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Board Officers & Executive Director
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Parent & Alumni Connections
Why Give to the Partners?
Recognition of Donors
Corporate Sponsors
FAC Wish List
50th Anniversary Celebration
Events Calendar
Board Officers & Executive Director
Board Members
Supporting Our Students
Parent & Alumni Connections
Why Give to the Partners?
Recognition of Donors
Corporate Sponsors
FAC Wish List
50th Anniversary Celebration
Events Calendar
Recognition of Donors
We Can't Do It Without You!
A special
thanks to you,
our generous 2022-2023
Fine Arts Center Partners Donors.
Katherine Acree
Sandra L Adams
Neil Alexander
Amy Allison
Michael Amos
Jennifer Anderssen
William Armstrong
Wendy Arnold
Carole Austin
Tricia Austin
Kristin Bailey
Matthew Barrett
Robert Bass
Shannon Belangia
Andrea Bell
Steve Bichel
Bill and Connie Timmons Foundation
Olwyn Bobb
Jana Bordages
Lori Bowlin
Chris Brackley
Melissa Brezenski
Aerin Brownlee
Gina Buntz
Jeanne L Burkhardt
Joanna Bursch
Stewart Callner
James D Campbell
Catharine B. Cassell
Gerry Ceurvorst
Michele M Chase
Carolyn Childs
Jessie Clark
Marianne Clay
Ione H Cockrell
Mary Coleman-Todd
Gloria Collins
Brooke and Jay Culclasure
Margaret Cummins
Keith & Juleen Dammann
April Dauscha
Liz Delaney
Matt Dingledine
Helena Dixson
Rodney A Douglas
Carol Dox
Katie Driggs
Mark Drumheller
Heather Duncan
Clifton Egan
Ann Eubank
Richard Falls
Betty Farr
Betty Finn
Susan C Fisher
George and Sarah
Beatrice and Jeffrey Fox
Claude Frazer
James Freeland
Alice Geiger
Lynn Gibbs
Hayley Glenn
Graham Foundation
Aaron Greene
Jon Grier
Bonnie Guerrero
Darlene Hansen
Siria Harrison
Kathryn Hennessy
Suzanne Higginbotham
Erin Hinson
Reid Hipp
Ashley Howard
Ed Howard
Robert E. Howard
Kathryn Shaw Howell
Linda Hume
Brian and Maryjane Hunter
Jody Hunter
Cynthia Illingworth
Carissa Ivey
Catherine James
Theresa James
Jean T. and Heyward G.
Pelham Foundation
Qena D. Jennings
Marialuz Jimenez
Sheena D Kakouras
Lori Kelly
Duncan Kennedy
Lyle Kerrick
Bharat Keskar
Ashley King
Brad King
Kelly King
Stephanie Knobel
Danielle Knox
Charles Krekelberg
Lynda Leventis-Wells
Teri Parker Lewis
William Lewis
Alice Littlejohn
Emily T. Mahannah
Fleming Markel
Sharon Massey
Taylor Massey
Robert Mays
Susan McLarty
Brian McMurrow
David & Linda Meyer
Nicole D. Michel
Charles C. Mickel
Bonnie Milam
David Miller
Paula J Miller
Jane S Minnick
Jeanmarie M Moore
Sara Jo Moore
Susan M Moose
Angela Mozie
Paul and Sally Murrell
Ann T Nelson
Virginia Nespeca
Joe Norton
Nicole OBrien
Andrea Ogiony
Matt Olson
Kathryn Owen Hix
Elizabeth Owens
Anita Pacylowski-Justo
Jill Pancoast
Bernice T Parks
Lillian Parr
Sherry Parrini
Stephen Pfeiffer
Molly Kathryn Pont-Brown
Pamela Popat Albino
Vee Popat
Sally Potosky
Audrey Pyle
Cresent Railey
Julie Ramsey
Kathryn Rhyne
Gladys Richardson
Dennis Richey
Alison Roark
Greg Robertson
Ann Robinson
Kate Robinson
Eric Rogers
Shelia Roundtree
Ruth Parker Price Trust
Saria Saccocio
Sage Automotive Interiors
Donald L Sakal
Deborah Cornwell Sammeth
Jonathan Sanderson
David Schwingle
Lisa Seal
Sarah M Seehorn
Lauren Sermersheim
Donna Shank
Dr & Mrs Harold E Shaw Jr
Minor M Shaw
Claire Shirley
Megan Shirley
Jennifer Shurley
Jennifer Simpson
Catherine P. Smith
Lindsay Smith
Anne Spence
Allison Stack
Marie T Stercula
Thomas F. Strange
Kris & Carol Strasser
Wesley Strasser
Paul Sullivan
Julianne Sumner
Loralee Swindell
John A Tagliaferro
Richard Taylor
Shelba M Taylor
Mary Lee Tierney
Andrew Tingom
Mark Tittle
Gregory Trombly
Christopher Turgeon
Victoria Turgeon
Michele Turner
Ruben Valentin
Constance M Valimont
Craig and Bianca Walker
Joseph B. Wallace II
John J Warner
Amanda Warren
Kim Warren-Page
Steve Watson
Megan Webb
Ki Wells
Cynthia and Jack West
Mary West
Donald J Westcott
Austin White
Charles E White
Melissa White
Theresa Whitehead
Nancy S Wierzbowski
Eileen Williams
Joan Williams
William Wilson
Caroline Winslow
Debra J. Winslow
Margaret Winslow
Richard Young
Chris Youngblood
Linda Zavasnik
Edward Zeigler
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Stock or other Securities
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The gift of your time through the FAC Parent Guild
Board Officers & Executive Director
Board Members
Supporting Our Students
Parent & Alumni Connections
Why Give to the Partners?
Recognition of Donors
Corporate Sponsors
FAC Wish List
50th Anniversary Celebration
Events Calendar
Board Officers & Executive Director
Board Members
Supporting Our Students
Parent & Alumni Connections
Why Give to the Partners?
Recognition of Donors
Corporate Sponsors
FAC Wish List
50th Anniversary Celebration
Events Calendar